Moving beyond agriculture and aquaculture to integrated sustainable food systems as part of a circular bioeconomy
The objective of this perspective paper is to present and discuss how systemic innovations can deliver a step change in the way food is produced in Europe. The production of healthy, safe and affordable food can contribute toward a just transition to net zero carbon (C) for Europe. A systemic and cross sectorial approach can contribute to climate mitigation by transfer of atmospheric CO2 to the terrestrial biosphere using low trophic species (LTS), including plants, seaweed and mussels (i.e. C sequestration) and increasing organic C stocks in soils and vegetation biomass (i.e. C storage). Innovative combinations of technologies applied to LTS, processed animal protein, new crops, and diversified and integrated production systems can link the high primary productivity rates of the marine environment to the C storage capability of the terrestrial food sector. Furthermore, the important roles of both private and public sector actors and better use of systemic approaches to further elucidate the multi-dimensional and multi-level interplays in complex food systems needs consideration. This can pave the way for linking and scaling up C-neutral marine and terrestrial food production systems into a future sustainable and circular bioeconomy. This systems-based approach can address some of the challenges associated with the current farming systems, as interdisciplinary research on aquaculture innovation can support the development of a resilient and sustainable food system. Examples of technologies provided include: a custom configured and digital user-oriented co-creation approach for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), a WebGIS tool on soil C storage, innovative composting methods, advanced breeding methods, new machinery for low greenhouse gas diversified orchard farming, AI model systems to improve decision support systems in management of soil, vertical farming, and animal feeding.
Environmental performance of seaweed cultivation and use in different industries: A systematic review
This study provides a comprehensive review of the environmental impacts associated with seaweed cultivation and utilization in various industries, focusing on life cycle assessment (LCA) studies. There is a remarkable disparity in the distribution of LCA studies. Asia produces 97 % of the global seaweed, but accounts for only 25 % of LCA research. In contrast, Europe, which produces only 0.8 % of the global seaweed production, is responsible for 70 % of the studies. Current cultivation practices result in low emissions of 0.02–0.08 CO2-equivalents (CO2 eq)/kg of wet seaweed. Cultivation may yield climate benefits if biogenic carbon uptake and sequestration are considered. However, the stability of the stored carbon requires further research. Seaweeds have significant potential in various sectors, including bioenergy, food, feed, fertilizer, nanomaterials, construction, and cosmetics, supporting a circular bioeconomy. However, environmental hotspots include energy use for drying, fuel for transport, infrastructure production, and the processing phase. Various mitigation strategies include recirculation and utilization of by-products, extending infrastructure life, recycling infrastructure, using biodegradable materials, adopting renewable energy for drying, optimizing seaweed productivity and the content of valuable ingredients, refining system design for resource efficiency, developing biorefineries, and investigating alternative seaweed species. The diverse functional units used in LCAs limit comparisons between studies. Challenges in seaweed LCA research include the lack of standardized methodologies for varied production systems, cultivation impacts on local ecosystems, data limitations, and often comparisons of seaweed to terrestrial alternatives. Seaweed has the potential to promote sustainability in certain sectors. However, further research is needed to optimize seaweeds as a sustainable resource.